Kuali Research
Kuali Research Go Live
ORA is excited to announce that Kuali Research will go live on September 26, 2017. Kuali Research will replace the Coeus research administration system and will be implemented in two phases.
Phase 1: On September 26 the Awards, Subawards, and Institute Proposal modules will go live for all of campus.
CMNS Proposal File Upload
This site is used by selected departments in CMNS to provide complete and final ORA Routing Forms and Proposal documents to ORA for final review and submission.
This system is for uploading complete, final and routed proposals and routing forms only.
Grants.gov application MUST be uploaded to Grants.gov File Upload site.
Department of Justice
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Energy
Environmental Protection Agency
Annual Technical Progress Reports
Due: Reports are due 30 days after the reporting period which is semi-annual.