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Contact Information

Office of Research Administration (ORA)
ORA Staff Directory
(301) 405-6269
ORA deals with pre-award administration and facilitates the submission of all sponsored project proposals on behalf of the University. ORA also provides research administration training.

Office of Sponsored Programs Accounting and Compliance (SPAC)
SPAC Staff Directory
SPAC deals with post-award administration and facilitates cost analysis, financial and effort reporting, billing, and collection of funds for all federal, state, and private sponsored agreements across the University of Maryland research enterprise.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Office
IRB Office
(301) 405-4212
The IRB is the committee that performs ethical reviews of proposed research involving human subjects at UMD.

Institutional Animal Care and Use (IACUC) Office
IACUC Office Contact
IACUC is the committee that performs ethical reviews of proposed research involving animal subjects.
Need more specific information? IACUC has recommendations of who to contact here based on types of inquiries.

Department of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR)
DLAR Office
DLAR provides the expertise, care and resources necessary to ensure the welfare of university animals through humane care and use.

Conflict of Interest (COI) Office
COI Office
The COI Office oversees the Conflicts of Interest process for UMD, Conflicts of interest can occur when members of the University community are in a position to gain, or appear to gain, financial advantage or personal benefit (broadly construed) arising from their University positions, either through outside professional activities or through their research, administrative, or educational actions or decisions at the University.

Research Security Office (RSO)
Research Security Office (RSO)
The Research Security Office provides direct support for researchers involved in any activity subject to export control.

The Office of Research Information Systems & Integration
Director: Steve Dowdy
The Office of Research Information Systems & Integration oversees the development, support, integration, and data feeds of information systems relating to research administration.

The Office of Research Transparency and Outreach
RTO Contact
The RTO is responsible for the implementation and oversight of the Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct policy, as well as managing and overseeing the research related responsibilities in accordance with the UMD Consulting Policy.

The Institute for Governmental Service and Research (IGSR)
IGSR Contact
The Institute for Governmental Service and Research (IGSR) functions to improve outcomes, operations, and policies; inform decision-making; and increase knowledge and adoption of evidence-based practices in the public service delivery arena.

Department of Environmental Safety, Sustainability and Risk (ESSR)
(301) 405-3960 
The ESSR provides leadership in the identification and management of safety and environmental risks and to foster safety and sustainability.
Additional safety emails:
Biological Safety -
Environmental Affairs and Waste Pickup -
Fire Marshal -
Insurance -
Lab Safety -
Occupational Safety & Health -
Radiation Safety -
Sustainability -
Stormwater (issues or spills)  -
Worker's Compensation -

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
Make a report here
All research undertaken at UMD is expected to meet the highest standards for integrity in all areas of research endeavors as established by the international research community. Violations of Title VI or other complaints of discrimination and harassment should be reported to the provided number or through the form linked above.

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