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Lifecycle of Sponsored Projects


Definitions: (From Beginner Track definitions)

Sponsored Research: All research and development activities that are sponsored by Federal and non-Federal agencies and organizations.

Sponsor: The governmental agency or other organization that makes an award directly to the University

PI: PIs are Principal Investigators. This is the individual responsible for the preparation, conduct, and administration of a research grant, cooperative agreement or other sponsored project in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and institutional policy governing the sponsored research.

Proposal: An application for funding that contains all information necessary to describe project plans, staff capabilities, and funds requested. Formal proposals are officially approved and submitted by an organization in the name of a principal investigator

Terms and Conditions of an Award: All legal requirements imposed in an agreement by the sponsor, whether by statute, regulation(s), or terms in the award document. The terms of an agreement may include both standard and special provisions that are considered necessary to protect the sponsor's interests

Kuali Research: Kuali Research (KR) is the electronic research administration system used at the University of Maryland. KR supports researchers and administrators in proposal, award, and subaward management and is the University’s system of record for proposal, award, and subaward activity.

Closeout: The final reconciliation and reporting of all award expenses and activities. This involves reviewing project expenditures, resolving open commitments, collecting subrecipient documents, and preparing required final reports and deliverables for submission to the sponsor.

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