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Kuali Research Resources

General Guides for all Users

Topic Resource
Navigating & Searching Navigation and Search
Video: General Navigation
Video: Filtering Cards
Video: Search Records
Dashboard cards Dashboard Overview
Video: Proposals not Routing
Video: Proposals Routing to Me
Video: Proposal Workload Assignment

Descriptions of fields and accessing attachments in Awards,
Subawards, and Institutional Proposals

Basics Guide
Current and Pending Reports Current and Pending Reports
Video: Current and Pending Reports

Guides for Routing Proposals for UM approval in Proposal Development

Topic Resource
Investigator & Senior/Key Personnel Certification
Who Certifies & What are the Questions?
How to Certify
Using Dashboard Cards, Investigators

Investigator & Senior/Key Personnel Certification Guide
Video: Investigator Dashboard Cards

Approving Proposals
How to Approve in KR
Using Dashboard Cards, Approvers
Approver Guide
Video: Approving Proposals
Viewing Proposal Development
Descriptions of fields and accessing attachments in Prop Dev
Descriptions of fields and accessing attachments in Awards, Subawards, and Institutional Proposals
Basics Plus Proposal Development Guide
Creating Proposal Development

Video: Create and Edit the Proposal
Proposal Development Guide
Proposal Checklist
Investigator & Senior/Key Personnel Modifying Completed Certification Answers
Cost Element Codes
Attachment Types & Crosswalk
S2S Forms Guide
NSF Science Codes

Troubleshooting Proposals

Video: Questionnaire Validation Errors
Video: How to Copy a Proposal
Video: Add or Change Investigator or Unit
Video: Making Changes to a Proposal After Submitting for Review
Video: Modifying Answers to Completed Certifications

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