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Kuali Research

Kuali Research Go Live

ORA is excited to announce that Kuali Research will go live on September 26, 2017. Kuali Research will replace the Coeus research administration system and will be implemented in two phases.
Phase 1: On September 26 the Awards, Subawards, and Institute Proposal modules will go live for all of campus. Proposal Development will go live on this date for those Colleges and Departments currently using Coeus for the creation, routing, and submission of proposals.
Phase 2: The second phase of implementation will focus on expanding the use of Kuali Research Proposal Development to all remaining Colleges and Departments by Spring 2018. At the completion of Phase 2, all proposals submitted through ORA will be routed, reviewed, and submitted electronically.
Kuali Research was developed with the Coeus base code, thus much of the functionality will seem familiar to current users. Unlike Coeus, Kuali Research is web‐based and accessible with an Internet browser from any location and features a much more user‐friendly interface. Kuali Research will support the requirement that all UMD Principal and Co‐Principal Investigators certify their own proposals prior to submission for routing, as mandated by the Division of Research, Office of the Vice President for Research. Kuali Research will handle this electronically eliminating the need to track down a signature on a hard copy because all of the information is included in the system.

ORA will provide a number of training opportunities both before and after the September 26 Go Live. Training sessions will be delivered in person and via WebEx and topics will address specific needs of various groups of users. Please refer to ORA’s website ( for additional information as it becomes available. 


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