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Department Of Agriculture

What is the Uniform Guidance?

The OMB Uniform Guidance is a new set of regulations (as of 12/16/2013) which consolidates several OMB Circulars, including A21, A110, and A133.   These regulations impact the proposals you make for federal funding, the way grants and contracts are managed, and the cost principles that guide research at the University of Maryland College Park.  

Federal Demonstration Partnership

Research Terms & Conditions

Research Terms & Conditions Matrix

The Research Terms & Conditions Prior Approval and Other Requirements Matrix (October 2008), linked below, provides agency-specific requirements for 41 different actions for 11 federal agencies - covering most scenarios relating to the management of a grant award.   Please contact your Contract Administrator for additional clarification.

UM Federal Acquisition Regulation

52.203-12Limitation on payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions: (Jan 1997) The contractor shall require the submittal of a certificate, a disclosure form, by any persons receiving any subcontract exceeding $100K under the federal contract.
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