New Information Available on OMB Uniform Guidance - UMCP Implementation and Agency Implementation Plans
Important Information from UMD's Division of Research on the Impact of COVID-19 on Research Activity
Export Control and International Compliance
Implementation of New Fringe Benefit Rate Agreement FY22
The University has successfully negotiated a new Fringe Benefit cost rate agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2022.
New Fringe Benefit Rate Agreement FY22
Updated COVID-19 Guidelines for Human Subject Research (August 12, 2021)
Kuali COI module goes LIVE and Important Reminder: Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedures and Mandatory Training
Revision to Fabricated Equipment Procedures - Effective Immediately
Staff Directory
Site map
We have tried to be very thorough with our menus, but if you have trouble finding anything, we hope this site map will help you find it.