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KR Training

ORA is excited to announce that Kuali Research will go live on September 26, 2017. Kuali Research will replace the Coeus research administration system and will be implemented in two phases.
Phase 1: On September 26 the Awards, Subawards, and Institute Proposal modules will go live for all of campus. Proposal Development will go live on this date for those Colleges and Departments currently using Coeus for the creation, routing, and submission of proposals.
Phase 2: The second phase of implementation will focus on expanding the use of Kuali Research Proposal Development to all remaining Colleges and Departments by Spring 2018. At the completion of Phase 2, all proposals submitted through ORA will be routed, reviewed, and submitted electronically.
Title Target Audience Description Pre-requisites
Kuali Research Investigator Certification This session is open to, and intended for, all Investigators who will or may be added to Proposal Development records where the lead unit is a Proposal Development Unit.

The Office of the Vice President of Research has mandated that all Investigators must certify his/her own proposal prior to the proposal being submitted for approval. This certification may not be delegated to another user, but may be done at any point between proposal creation and that proposal being submitted for approval. All UM investigators must certify (this includes Principal Investigators, Multiple Principal Investigators, and Co-Investigators).

In this session, Investigators will view a sample email requesting that he/she certify to a proposal record. Investigators will learn how to view the information in the proposal which may have been entered on his/her behalf. Investigators will view how to access and provide answers to the 9 certification questions.

Duration of session: About 30 minutes

Kuali Research Approving Proposals This session is open to, and intended for, those individuals who are on any level of a Proposal Development approval map.

In this session, users will learn how to access the information in a Proposal Development record necessary to provide a thorough review prior to approval including Investigators, Credit Split, Special Review, Questionnaire, Abstract, Scope of Work, Budget, Subaward documentation, etc. Users will see sample emails from the system and a sample approval map.

Duration of session: About 30 minutes

Kuali Research Basics

This is open to, and intended for, all individuals who need access to this information to perform their job duties.

Investigators, Departmental Research Administrators, Coordinators, Department/College level officials.

In this session, users will learn how to navigate and search in the Institute Proposal, Award, and Subaward modules and access Award and Subaward documents attached by ORA.

Institute Proposal: Locate proposed funding, including requested amounts, investigators involved, credit splits, indirect costs, and special review flags.

Award: Determine KFS account number, award amount, project and account start and end dates, investigators involved, credit splits, indirect costs, related (parent and child accounts), award terms and conditions via the award document

Subaward: Identify the ORA subaward number and the KFS PO number of the subaward, amount obligated to subaward to date, subaward document

Duration of session: About 90 minutes

Kuali Research Basics Plus Proposal Development View

This session is open to all individuals from departments using Kuali Proposal Development. This session is intended for those staff who typically have more post-award functions but occasionally need access to see the record of what was actually submitted on the proposal.

Departmental Research Administrators, Coordinators, Department/College level officials.

In this session, users will learn everything from the Kuali Research Basics session PLUS:

How to navigate to, and search, the Proposal Development module to access the information which was submitted by ORA to the sponsor. This could include information such as the proposed budget, budget justification, scope of work, and subaward documentation.

Duration of session: About 120 minutes

Confirmation of supervisor that this level of access is required
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 (session is currently limited to staff/units who are proposal creators in Coeus)

Session I: This session is intended for those individuals who will be creating proposals for routing and submission in Kuali Research.

Investigators, Departmental Research Administrators, Coordinators, Department/College level officials

In this session, users will learn how to complete the Proposal Development record including:

Proposal Details, Investigators and Credit Split, Special Review Items, connection to for system-to-system submission, Questionnaire completion, attaching documents to fulfill UM and Sponsor requirements

How to notify Investigators that a proposal is ready for review and certification

How to submit a proposal for UM approval and submission

How to update or recall a proposal once submitted for approval

Duration of session: About 180 minutes

Kuali Research Basics In Phase I, this is limited to those departments who have this same functionality in Coeus. Confirmation from supervisor that this level of access is required.
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 (session is currently limited to staff/units who are proposal creators in Coeus)

Session 2: This session is intended for those individuals who will be creating proposals for routing and submission in Kuali Research.

Investigators, Departmental Research Administrators, Coordinators, Department/College level officials

In this session, users will learn how to complete the Proposal Development record budget information including:

Summary budget – used when the proposal will not be submitted system to system;

NIH modular budget – used when the proposal will be submitted in response to a funding opportunity using this budget type;

Detailed budget – used when the proposal will be submitted in response to a funding opportunity required this budget;

Duration of session: About 180 minutes

Kuali Research Basics AND Proposal Development Session 1 In Phase I, this is limited to those departments who have this same functionality in Coeus. Confirmation from supervisor that this level of access is requires.
Title Date Time Location Registration Link
Kuali Research Basics 08/14/17 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Marie Mount (#046) Room 1310 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 08/15/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Marie Mount (#046) Room 1310 Register
Kuali Research Basics 08/15/17 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Marie Mount (#046) Room 1310 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 08/16/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 08/17/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Marie Mount (#046) Room 1310 Register
Kuali Research Basics 08/21/17 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics 08/22/17 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 08/23/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics 08/23/17 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 08/24/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 08/24/17 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 08/25/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 08/28/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics 08/29/17 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 08/29/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 08/31/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics Plus Proposal Development View 09/01/17 9:30 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 09/05/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 09/06/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 09/06/17 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics 09/07/17 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 09/08/17 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 09/11/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 09/11/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Basics 09/12/17 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 09/12/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Basics 09/14/17 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Basics 09/14/17 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 09/15/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 09/15/17 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Basics 09/18/17 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics Plus Proposal Development View 09/18/17 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 09/19/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 09/20/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 09/20/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 09/21/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 09/21/17 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
September 26th, 2017 : KUALI RESEARCH GO-LIVE
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 09/27/17 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 09/28/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Basics 09/28/17 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Basics Plus Proposal Development View 10/02/17 9:30 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 10/03/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 10/04/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 10/05/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 10/06/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 10/09/17 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Basics 10/10/17 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 10/11/17 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 10/12/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 10/13/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Atlantic (CSS # 224) Room 4404 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 10/16/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 10/17/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics 10/18/17 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 10/19/17 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 10/20/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 10/24/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 10/24/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics 10/25/17 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics Plus Proposal Development View 10/25/17 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 10/26/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 10/26/17 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Basics 10/30/17 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 10/31/17 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 11/01/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Approving Proposals 11/02/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 11/03/17 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Webex Session Register
Kuali Research Investigator Certification 11/06/17 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 1 11/07/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Proposal Development, Session 2 11/08/17 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register
Kuali Research Basics 11/09/17 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Patapsco (#805) Room 2111 Register

Coming Soon..

Unit Number Unit Name
1202401 SVPAAP-Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research
1250101 AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
1250105 AGNR-Dean-Joint Inst for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
1250107 AGNR-Center for Food Safety & Security Systems
1250301 AGNR-Agricultural & Resource Economics
1250501 AGNR-AES-Assoc Dir
1250502 AGNR AES-State Supp Fringe Benefit
through 1250525
1250701 AGNR-Animal & Avian Sciences
1250901 AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology
1250902 AGNR-ENST-Chesapeake Bay Agriculture Programs
1251101 AGNR-UME-MD Cooperative Extension-Agri. Business Office
through 1252311
1252701 AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture
1252901 AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science
1253101 AGNR-Veterinary Medicine Program
1253102 AGNR-VA-MD Regional Col Veterinary Med
1270101 ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities
1270105 ARHU-Dean-MD Language Science Center
1272901 ARHU-MD Institute for Technology in the Humanities
1274001 ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
1275301 ARHU-National Foreign Language Center
1280101 BSOS-College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
1280102 BSOS-Dean-Office of Academic Computing Services
1280104 BSOS-Dean-Maryland Population Research Center
1280105 BSOS-Dean-Natl Ctr for Study of Terrorism & Resp to Terr
1280107 BSOS-Dean-Maryland Neuroimaging Center
1280301 BSOS-African American Studies
1280501 BSOS-Anthropology
1280502 BSOS-Anthropology-Center for Heritage Resource Studies
1280901 BSOS-Ctr for Substance Abuse Research
1281101 BSOS-Criminology & Criminal Justice
1281301 BSOS-Economics
1281501 BSOS-Geography
1281701 BSOS-Government & Politics
1281702 BSOS-GVPT-Center for Intntl Development & Conflict Mgmt
1281703 BSOS-GVPT-Projects ICONS
1281704 BSOS-GVPT-Center for American Politics & Citizenship
1281901 BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences
1282101 BSOS-Center for Safe Solutions
1282301 BSOS-Joint Program in Survey Methodology
1282501 BSOS-Psychology
1282503 BSOS-Ctr for Addictions, Personality & Emotion Research
1282701 BSOS-Sociology
1300101 CMNS-College of Computer, Mathematical & Natural Sciences
1300501 CMNS-Computer Science
1300701 CMNS-Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
1301101 CMNS-Geology
1301301 CMNS-Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
1302101 CMNS-Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
1302301 CMNS-Physics
1302302 CMNS-Physics-Ctr for Nanophysics & Advn Materials
1302303 CMNS-Physics-Joint Quantum Institute
1302901 CMNS-Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics
1302904 CMNS-Maryland Pathogen Research Institute
1310101 EDUC-College of Education
1310401 EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
1310601 EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
1310801 EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology
1320101 ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering
1320102 ENGR-Dean-Ctr Minorities in Science & Engineering
1320103 ENGR-Dean-Coop Engr Educ & Career Svcs
1320104 ENGR-Dean-Women in Engineering Program
1320105 ENGR-Dean-Ctr for Small Smart Systems
1320106 ENGR-Dean-Student Affairs
1320107 ENGR-Dean-External Relations
1320109 ENGR-Dean-International & Leadership Programs
1320110 ENGR-Dean-Engineering Undergraduate Advising
1320111 ENGR-Dean-Engineering Communications
1320501 ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
1320701 ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering
1320702 ENGR-Civil-Center for Advanced Transportation Technology
1320901 ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering
1321301 ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering
1321701 ENGR-Institute for Systems Research
1321901 ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering
1322101 ENGR-Mechanical Engineering
1322501 ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering
1330101 SPHL-School of Public Health
1330102 SPHL-Dean-Prevention Research Center
1330103 SPHL-Dean-Horowitz Center for Health Literacy
1330105 SPHL-Dean-Center for Health Equity
1330301 SPHL-Behavioral & Community Health
1330501 SPHL-Kinesiology
1331101 SPHL-Family Science
1331102 SPHL-Family Science (AGNR)
1331301 SPHL-Health Services Administration
1331501 SPHL-Epidemiology & Biostatistics
1331701 SPHL-Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health
1350101 INFO-College of Information Studies
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