Research Administrator's Listserv
What is the researchadmin listserv and who should subscribe?
This listserv has been created by the University of Maryland’s Division of Research in order to share information about our professional development opportunities for all of those who are interested, but is especially tailored toward business managers and staff who work in the field of research administration. This list will be used to share information about Spotlight sessions, the Certificate in Research Administration program, and other events hosted by the Division of Research.
Brown Bag Series
Certificate Programs
The Office of Research Administration (ORA) and the Sponsored Programs Accounting & Compliance (SPAC) are committed to providing guidance to the university community on Federal, State, and University policies and regulations for sponsored research. To enhance this effort, our offices have developed the Certificate in Research Administration program.
NSF Sponsor Tips
NSF Sponsor Tips:
NIH Sponsor Tips
NIH Sponsor Tips:
DOE Sponsor Tips
DOE Sponsor Tips:
Using SciENcv @ UMD
View/print the SciENcv guide - SciENcv Instructions Guide
Budget Guidance
function hide_show_div(item) { obj=document.getElementById(item); if ("none") {"block"; } else {"none"; } } function hide(which) { var hide = new Array(); hide = document.getElementsByName(which); for (i=0; i<hide.length; i++) { hide[i].style.display = 'none'; } } function show(which) { var hide = new Array(); hide = document.getElementsByName(which); for (i=0; i<hide.length; i++) {Administrative Cost Designations
In order to charge administrative and/or clerical costs to federally sponsored agreements, a determination must be made by ORA and SPAC to either designate the administering unit as an Organized Research Unit or a specific project as a Significant Project. Please find the guidelines and request form here: