From : Wendy Montgomery, Director, ORA
As a much needed reminder, ORA cannot submit proposals or sign off on non-funded agreements that have not been fully routed and approved in Kuali Research (KR). The electronic signatures of the Principal Investigator (PI), UMD Co-Investigator(s) (Co-I’s), Chairs, Directors, and Deans or their designees are the proof required to indicate that:
- all questions regarding the project and any compliance issues have been answered and the proposal has been appropriately certified by all UMD PIs and Co-I’s;
- the PI and Co-I’s will comply with the sponsor's requirements, such as the accuracy and completeness of statements contained in the proposal including Conflict of Interest and Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research; and
- the department and college are in agreement with what is being proposed in the project including the space, resources needed, and other support as proposed.
If ORA does not have this proper prior endorsement, we cannot commit on behalf of UMD that our organization agrees to accept the obligations and comply with award terms and conditions. Certifying to false information could result in administrative actions or possible criminal and/or civil penalties. There is heightened scrutiny on behalf of our federal sponsors in this area and we must all work together to ensure we comply.
Any PI, or UMD Co-I, included in a proposal MUST also be included and named in KR routing and complete and sign off on the appropriate questions and certifications. If they are missing in KR, we will return the proposal for correction and rerouting for approval by the Chairs, Directors, and Deans or their designees and this will add time to the process. This rerouting for approval must be finalized prior to submission of the proposal. Additional time is also needed for cost share documentation, Significant Project designations, IP and F&A waivers and other special considerations. All of these must be in place prior to submission of the proposal.
We must also remind you that proposals take time to review and submit. Last minute proposals are in jeopardy of incomplete reviews and sponsor proposal system delays. And as a final reminder, ORA staff does not work around the clock. Business hours remain 8am-5pm M-F.