Dear Research Colleagues,
National Presidential Security Memorandum-33 (NSPM-33) Implementation Guidance mandates that all federal funding agencies collect all sources of research support, including current and pending (other) support, from key personnel identified in all proposal submissions for federal research funding. Information on agency-specific disclosure requirements can be found here, and additional programmatic-related disclosure requirements may also be provided in specific funding announcements.
In order to support researchers at UMD, the Division of Research conducted a brief survey late last spring to learn best practices in compiling and disclosing current & pending (other) support information in federal research proposals. Unit-level research administrators from across the University participated in the survey. Based on the results from that survey, it was clear that the availability of current and pending (other) support award information on individual researchers in Kuali Research (KR) was a resource that the majority of those polled were either completely unaware of, or were underutilizing. The use of this tool in KR could have an immediate impact on reporting and ensuring the accuracy of current and pending (other) support award disclosures moving forward.
We have created a short video tutorial that walks you through the process of pulling award data from Kuali Research. The video can also be found on the ORA Resource page at Please note that the data pulled may include awards that have ended but have not yet been closed out, or pending proposals that were not funded, so those will have to be excluded from the reports that are pulled before submission. Please also note that this tool only pulls information from the Kuali Research contracts and grants database. If you have received research gifts or if you are involved in other activities outside of this system (i.e. consulting activities, visiting scholars funded by an external source), you will need to manually add those to your disclosure.
We hope that this is a helpful tutorial that will help minimize any discrepancies in reporting current & pending (other) support award information moving forward. Please feel free to send any questions regarding technical issues to
Reka S. Montfort
Director of Research Transparency & Outreach
Division of Research
Wendy Montgomery
Assistant Vice President, Office of Research Administration