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Credit Split Changes Affecting DRIF Allocations

Fiscal Year 2012 represents the third year that Principal Investigator /Departmental credit is determined by the Lead PI designation and the credit percentages indicated on the ORA Routing Form.

Fiscal Year 2012 represents the third year that Principal Investigator /Departmental credit is determined by the Lead PI designation and the credit percentages indicated on the ORA Routing Form. The assignment of appropriate credit percentages is the responsibility of the faculty involved in the project and is determined at the proposal stage with the concurrence, on the routing form, of the administering department chair and college dean. This information is entered into Coeus, the Research Administration system of record for proposal and award data. Coeus allows credit to be assigned to multiple investigators on a sponsored project and for that credit to be automatically carried through from proposals, to awards, to expenditures and ultimately to DRIF distribution since DRIF distribution is tied directly to expenditures.

For routing forms that do not indicate the DRIF/Credit Split percentages, the lead investigator and the lead unit indicated on the routing form receive full credit for the project. All accounts created under an award will follow the same credit split information listed on the routing form.

This memo is a reminder that the Credit Split information for Fiscal Year 2012 will be frozen on June 30, 2012. If the credit situation has changed during the course of the project (e.g., an agency adds or drops specific subparts of the project), the credit percentages can be adjusted by completing and routing a DRIF/Credit Split Change Request form with the appropriate signatures.

DRIF/Credit Split Change Request forms are due to your Contract Administrator in the Office of Research Administration (ORA), no later than May 31, 2012, to ensure that the changed credit split information is recorded in Coeus. You will receive an award action email when the credit split information has been modified.

If you have questions about completing the form, please contact your Contract Administrator in ORA.

Memo in PDF format

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