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AFOSR "No Cost Extensions" Policy

1. I would like to thank you and your institution for your diligent and continued efforts in advancing AFOSR - sponsored basic research. AFOSR sincerely values the outstanding work relationship it has always enjoyed with the research community.

From: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)

1. I would like to thank you and your institution for your diligent and continued efforts in advancing AFOSR - sponsored basic research. AFOSR sincerely values the outstanding work relationship it has always enjoyed with the research community. As such, I would like to take this opportunity to provide calrification about AFOSR's recent No Cost Extension (NCE) Policy

2. AFOSR still issues NCEs. However every NCE processed by contracting Personnel means other actions can not be processed as efficiently because AFOSR has a limited number of personnel to perform the work. Therefore, I have directed AFOSR Program Managers and Grant Officers to ensure NCEs are issued only in situations where they are both properly documented and truly warranted.

3. AFOSR Agency Specific Requirements, 1 July 2008, which are incorporated into every AFOSR grant by reference, require prior written approval "to extend the period of performance, without additional funds, beyond the expiration date of this grant". For an extension to be granted, Article 2 and 15 of the AFOSR Specific Requirements indicate recipients are to provide notice "in writing with the supporting reasons and revised expiration date atleast 30 days prior to the expiration of the award." In no eevnt will the period of performacne be extended merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances.

4. I recognize unforseen circumstances may drive the need for an extension. In such a situation, the institution should submit its request for an extension and supporting reasons to the responsible Program Manager. The Program Manager will review the requirements and make a recommendation to me. I will consider each request for an NCE on a case by case basis. As we move forward we encourage individual Principal Investigators to work closely with AFOSR Program Managers to plan their research so that it can be completed in the negotiated period of performance or to request modifications to the performance period as the need becomes apparent. This will help maximize efficiency of our avaialble workforce. It is in no way intended to reflect negatively on our grant recipients or cause them undue hardship. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Walston at 937-656-4227.

Thomas P. Russel, SES
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
875 N. Randolph St., Ste 325
Arlington, VA 22203

Attached Files: Memo in PDF format

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