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Open Issues - Find out the latest information available


The following is a list of open issues - regulations in the guidance that are being questioned by COGR or are otherwise not yet resolved.

Research Terms and Conditions (RTC) to address and implement the UG, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards was issued 3/14/17 (link is external). Each agency’s implementation statements can be found here (external link).

General Procurement Standards (200.318-320).  UG standards represent a potential administrative burden for IHE’s (Institutions of Higher Education). (See the changes related to procurement.)  The University of Maryland College Park will continue to follow the procurement requirement of OMB Circular A-110 and will utilize the grace period allowed in the Uniform Guidance and as extended by the Office of Management and Budget technical corrections. For more information on UMCP’s procurement policies, go to (link is external)


Contact your ORA contract administrator for technical questions or SPAC for financial matters.

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