Agency Specific Technical Reporting Guide
The Agency Specific Technical Reporting Guide provides information related to the submission of Progress and Final Technical Reports to a federal sponsoring agency. There may be exceptions which are incorporated into the terms of an award; therefore, each award should be reviewed for Reporting Requirements. All questions or concerns related to the information provided here should be directed to Compliance Coordinator, Cheryl Jones (, (301-405-6267).
Click on the topics below to expand details.
Department of Agriculture (DOA)
1. National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
DUE: See Reporting Requirements on individual award documentation.
FORMAT: Use the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) format. The instructions are found here, Progress reports must cover only the most recent period of performance and should adequately describe the grant project’s progress toward performance objectives and clearly highlight the major accomplishments achieved during the reporting period.
HOW TO SUBMIT: All NIFA grant reporting must be completed using the Research, Education, and Extension project online reporting tool (REEport) found here, Instructions on how to submit reports are found here:
DUE: See Reporting Requirements on individual award documentation.
FORMAT: Use the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) format. The instructions are found here, The final reports for competitive, non-competitive, and capacity projects are all required to cover the duration of the project, from start to end date. Reports should adequately describe how performance objectives were achieved and highlight the major accomplishments and non-technical impacts of the research, extension, or educations activities performed.
HOW TO SUBMIT: All NIFA grant reporting must be completed using the Research, Education, and Extension project online reporting tool (REEport) found here, Instructions on how to submit reports are found here:
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
2. Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
DUE: Performance reports shall not be required more frequently than quarterly or, less frequently than annually. Following are the due dates for all performance reports:
- Quarterly performance reports are due September 1, December 1, March 1, and June 1 each year of the agreement.
- Semiannual performance reports are due December 1 and June 1 each year of the agreement.
- Annual performance reports are June 1 each year of the agreement
FORMAT: The report must have a header or cover page with the following information: Subrecipient Name, Principal Investigator Name, ARS Agreement Number and Reporting period covered.
- A comparison of actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives established for the period and the findings of the investigator. Whenever appropriate and the output of programs or projects can be readily quantified, such quantitative data should be related to cost data for computation of unit costs.
- Reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate.
- Other pertinent information including, when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs.
- Subawardees shall not be required to submit more than the original and two copies of performance reports. Report submission via electronic mail is allowable.
- Subawardees shall immediately notify the REE Agency of developments that have a significant impact on the award-supported activities. Also, notification shall be given in the case of problems, delays, or adverse conditions which materially impair the ability to meet the objectives of the award. This notification shall include a statement of the action taken or contemplated, and any assistance needed to resolve the situation.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Technical/performance reports are to be emailed to the ARS PI (previously known as “ADODR”), and copies are to be provided to the Authorized Departmental Officer. The ADO address is the Agency Address block in the grant.
DUE: 90 days after the expiration date or termination date of the grant.
FORMAT: The report must have a header or cover page with the following information: Subrecipient Name, Principal Investigator Name, ARS Agreement Number, Reporting period covered and Note “FINAL REPORT”.
- A comparison of actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives established for the period and the findings of the investigator. Whenever appropriate and the output of programs or projects can be readily quantified, such quantitative data should be related to cost data for computation of unit costs.
- Reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate.
- Other pertinent information including, when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs.
- Subawardees shall not be required to submit more than the original and two copies of performance reports. Report submission via electronic mail is allowable
HOW TO SUBMIT: Technical/performance reports are to be emailed to the ARS PI (previously known as “ADODR”), and copies are to be provided to the Authorized Departmental Officer. The ADO address is the Agency Address block in the grant.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
3. Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
DUE: Quarterly, no later than 30 days after the reporting period
FORMAT: - Narrative section should contain information on the following: 1) A comparison of actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives established for the period and findings of the Program POC. 2) Reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate. 3) Other pertinent information including, when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Email to FAS Program Manager
DUE: No later than 90 days form the expiration or termination date of the agreement.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Email to FAS Program Manager.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
1. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
DUE: Each award recipient will be required to submit a technical progress report to the NIST Grants Officer and Grants Specialist named in the award documents on an a semi-annual basis for the periods ending March 31 and September 30 of each year. Reports will be due within 30 days after the end of the reporting period.
FORMAT: Get technical report template from the Federal Project Office
HOW TO SUBMIT: The final technical report should be emailed to both your Grants Specialist and your Federal Project Officer
DUE: A final summary paper will be due within 30 days after the end of the project period
FORMAT: Get technical report template from the Federal Project Office
HOW TO SUBMIT: The final technical report should be emailed to both your Grants Specialist and your Federal Project Officer
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
2. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
DUE: Schedule in the award document
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit reports electronically through
DUE: Schedule in the award document
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit reports electronically through
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
1. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
DUE: Schedule in the award document
FORMAT: Use the AFOSR Report Submission Form found here, The abstract should be at least 250 words; please list any accomplishments that have been made since the last report submission.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit here
DUE: Schedule in the award document
FORMAT: Use the AFOSR Report Submission Form found here, The abstract should be at least 250 words; please list any accomplishments that have been made since the last report submission.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit here
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
2. Army Research Lab/Army Research Office(ARO)
DUE: Annually, within 30 days after July 31st.
HOW TO SUBMIT: ARO prefers online electronic submission of all reports at Electronic Mail (email) is preferred over hardcopy. If neither form of electronic submission is possible, hard copies of Manuscripts and Technical Reports will be accepted.
Electronic Mail (E-mail) submission, regardless of report type, requires a completed form SF298, continuation sheets and applicable reports as attachments to the electronic mail. Technical Standard Form 298 can be found here,
Forms, continuation sheets, and reports must be BUNDLED INTO A SINGLE PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT (PDF) file, unless the file exceeds 10MB. Under those circumstances, the file may be split as needed. Extremely large files may be mailed on CD or submitted online.
NOTE: PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED HAVE SECURITY TURNED OFF AND ARE NOT PASSWORD CONTROLLED. If the document is password protected, the ARO reports processing team cannot import the documents into ARO’s Electronic Document Management System. If you have additional questions, please call COM: 919-549-4300 or DSN: 832-4300.
Online-Electronic for any type of report:
Mail Hard Copy Reports to:
U.S. Army Research Office
ATTN: RDRL-ROS-I (Reports)
P.O. Box 12211
Research Triangle Park, NC, 27709-2211
Overnight express to:
U.S. Army Research Office
ATTN: RDRL-ROS-I (Reports)
4300 South Miami Blvd
Durham, NC 27703-9142
This email address may be used for submission of any report, except IPRs and FPRs, unless otherwise specified in your agreement. IPRs and FPRs will be accepted via email by EXCEPTION ONLY, which must be obtained by calling (919)549-4300. Exceptions are granted for technical issues only, which cannot be resolved.
DUE: Within 90 days following the expiration of agreement
FORMAT: Find information regarding the format for online submission Online submission is preferred and does not require a Standard Form 298. Technical Reports submitted via email or hardcopy must be identified by a completed Standard Form 298 found here,
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit reports to and if received special permission to send hard copy, mail hard-copy Reports to:
U.S. Army Research Office
ATTN: RDRL-ROS-I (Reports)
P.O. Box 12211
Research Triangle Park, NC, 27709-2211
Overnight express to:
U.S. Army Research Office
ATTN: RDRL-ROS-I (Reports)
4300 South Miami Blvd
Durham, NC 27703-9142
Last Updated: November 1, 2016
3. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
DUE: Annually, within 30 days after 31 July
FORMAT: Online submission is preferred and does not require a Standard Form 298. Technical Reports submitted via email or hardcopy must be identified by a completed Standard Form 298. For detailed submission and formatting instructions, see ARO Form 18, "Reporting Instructions," found at
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit online at or email 298 to and to your contract administrator.
DUE: Within 90 days following the expiration of agreement
FORMAT: Online submission is preferred and does not require a Standard Form 298. Technical Reports submitted via email or hardcopy must be identified by a completed Standard Form 298. For detailed submission and formatting instructions, see ARO Form 18, "Reporting Instructions," found at
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit online to this site or email 298 to and to your contract administrator.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
4. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
DUE: Annual reports are due no later than 1 July of each year. Grants effective after 31 January will not require an Annual Report until 1 July of the following year.
FORMAT: The Annual Report shall contain the following items:
Cover Sheet: As a minimum, the cover sheet should include the following information: PI's name, Institution's name and address, and Grant number.
Objectives: List the objectives of the research effort or the statement of work. This may be omitted if there has been no change. State new or revised objectives if they have changed and the reason why.
Status of effort: A brief statement of progress towards achieving the research objectives. (Limit to 200 words).
Accomplishments/New Findings: Describe research highlights, their significance to the field, their relationship to the original goals, their relevance to the DTRA mission, and their potential application(s) to DTRA and civilian technology challenges.
Personnel Supported: List professional personnel (Faculty, Post-Docs, Graduate Students, etc.) supported by and/or associated with the research effort.
Publications: List peer-reviewed publications and theses submitted and/or accepted during the 12-month period starting the previous 1 October (or from the start date for new grants). Include full reference information, such as authors, journal, volume, page numbers, etc. or for conference proceedings, name, date and location of the conference, and proceedings publication information.
Participation/presentations at meetings, conferences, seminars, etc.
Consultative and advisory functions to other laboratories and agencies and other DOD laboratories. Provide factual information about the subject matter, institutions, locations, dates, and name(s) of principal individuals involved.
Transitions. Describe cases where knowledge resulting from your effort is used, or will be used, in a technology application. Transitions can be to entities in DOD, other federal agencies, or industry. Briefly list the enabling research, the laboratory or company, and an individual in that organization who made use of your research.
New discoveries, inventions, or patent disclosures.
Honors/Awards: List honors, degrees, and awards received during the Grant period. List lifetime achievement honors such as Nobel Prize, honorary doctorates, and society fellowships prior to this effort.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Email the Annual Report to (file size must be less than 10MB). The file name should be the Year, ‘Annual Report’, and the Grant number, e.g. 2015 Annual Report HDTRA1-12-1-9999.
DUE: The draft of the final technical report will be due not later than forty-five (45) days prior to the end of the period of performance.
FORMAT: The final report is more than an extension of previous annual reports. The final report shall be a comprehensive technical summary of the significant work accomplished. The final report, where it is not readily accessible in published form should, where applicable:
Clearly describe and illustrate the experimental equipment, setup, and procedures;
Characterize and tabulate collected/computed data in an appendix;
Sufficiently describe computational codes so they can be reproduced. Include a listing of the code in an appendix if possible and appropriate; and
When the research effort culminates in the production of one or more student theses or dissertations, in these cases, the most significant advancements and conclusions (equations, figures, relationships, etc.) should be included in an executive summary. The theses or dissertations should be attached as appendices only if they are not readily available. If they are, clearly reference them and how they can be obtained. Also include in the executive summary, cumulative lists of people involved in, and publications stemming from, the research effort. Do not include copies of already submitted or published articles in the final report.
Standard Form (SF) 298, Report Documentation Page, must be used. Item 13 of the SF-298 should contain a 100 to 200 word abstract summarizing technical progress during the reporting period. The SF-298 may be found on the Internet at:$file/SF298_e.pdf
The report style should be third person singular using past tense. Jargon, special symbols or notations, subscripts, mathematical symbols or foreign alphabet letters are not permitted. All of the report pages should be prepared for acquisition and distribution by DTIC. All of the report pages should be of good quality for copying purposes. No pages should be missing.
The format and standard required by your institution for the preparation of theses and dissertations shall be used for the final report. In the absence of any institutional standards, you may wish to refer to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) document Z39.18-1987, “Scientific and Technical Reports: Organization, Preparation, and Production,” for guidance. The report may be obtained from:
American National Standards Institute, Inc. 1430 Broadway New York, NY 10018
It is anticipated that all final technical reports will be unclassified and that distribution will not be limited. However, for final technical reports that require a limited distribution as deemed necessary by DTRA, a Distribution List will be provided with the comments on the draft final technical report. The Distribution List should be formatted to match the rest of the report, placed at the end of the report, and added to the Table of Contents. The number of pages in the Distribution List should be added to the total page count and included in the total number of pages cited in Block 15 of the SF-298.
The draft of the final technical report (including a draft SF-298) must be submitted electronically as follows:
Within thirty (30) days, this draft will be reviewed by DTRA and comments will be provided to the Grantee to ensure the report complies with DTRA final report requirements. Such review and comment does not restrict the conduct or reporting of the project research findings/outcomes and, in accordance with Article 35, does not restrict Grantee's ability to publish. Grantee shall incorporate such requested changes so that the report incorporates and complies with agreement final reporting requirements terms. Final Technical Reports are due ninety (90) days after the expiration or termination of the award. The final submission should be made in accordance with the draft final report submission instructions.
FINAL METRICS FILE. A summary Final Metrics table (in MS Excel format) can be downloaded from the DTRA Basic and Fundamental Research Community Portal ( The Final Metrics table should be submitted with the Final Technical Report with any necessary narrative. The fields contained in the Final Metrics table include, but are not limited to: number of PIs, number of students supported, total number of peer reviewed publications, Hirsch Index, etc. The Final Metrics file shall contain data from all years of the award’s funded Period of Performance.
Email the final Metrics File to (file size must be less than 10MB). The file name should be ‘Final Metrics’ and the Grant number, e.g. Final Metrics HDTRA1-12-1-9999.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Email the draft of the final technical report to (file size must be less than 10MB). The file name should be ‘Draft Final Report’ and the Grant number, e.g. Draft Final Report HDTRA1-12-1-9999. Also email a copy to the Administrative Office identified in the Grant.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
5. Office of Naval Research (ONR)
DUE: To be submitted as required on individual award.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit one copy to your grants officer, one copy to and one to
DUE: Submit within 90 days following the expiration or termination of the project.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit one copy to your grants officer, one copy to and one to
Last Updated: August 25, 2017
6. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Office (SERDP)
DUE: One electronic copy of the assigned report is due by the date indicated in the Project Plan.
FORMAT: For large reports, use SERDP FTP site found here, The formatting instructions found on this site.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Reports may be emailed to your designated program area Program Manager Assistant (PMA). Large reports may be transmitted via the SERDP FTP site. Please contact your program area PMA to obtain the web address and login information.
DUE: One electronic copy of the assigned report is due by the date indicated in the Project Plan.
FORMAT: For large reports, use SERDP FTP site found here, The formatting instructions found on this site.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Please accompany all report submittals with a transmission letter. Reports may be emailed to your designated program area Program Manager Assistant (PMA); Large reports may be transmitted via the SERDP FTP site. Please contact your program area PMA to obtain the web address and login information.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
7. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
DUE: The award terms and conditions shall prescribe the frequency with which the performance reports shall be submitted. Performance reports shall not be required more frequently than quarterly or less frequently than annually. Annual reports shall be due 90 calendar days after the award year; quarterly or semi-annual reports shall be due 30 calendar days after the reporting period. DoD Components may require annual reports before the anniversary dates of multiple year awards in lieu of these requirements
FORMAT: Recipients shall monitor the program and submit performance reports in accordance with this article and DoDGARs 32.51 Reports shall detail technical progress to date and report on all problems, technical issues, or major developments that arose during the reporting period. The reports shall discuss each of the topics listed below:
- A comparison of actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives established for the period, the findings of the investigator or both
- Reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate.
- Other pertinent information including analysis and an explanation of cost overruns.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Technical reports are submitted to the AFRL (Air Force Research Lab Program Manager listed within the grant. Check the award as multiple copies may be required to be submitted to multiple recipients.)
DUE: The final performance reports are due 90 days after the expiration or termination of the award.
FORMAT: Recipients shall monitor the program and submit performance reports in accordance with this article and DoDGARs 32.51 Reports shall detail technical progress to date and report on all problems, technical issues, or major developments that arose during the reporting period. The reports shall discuss each of the topics listed below:
A comparison of actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives established for the period, the findings of the investigator or both
HOW TO SUBMIT: Technical reports are submitted to the AFRL (Air Force Research Lab Program Manager listed within the grant. Check the award as multiple copies may be required to be submitted to multiple recipients.)
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
DUE:Annual performance reports are typically due seven to ten months after the start of the grant’s current budget period. Please follow instructions from your program office regarding the specific due date of the annual performance report for your grant. The reporting period for the annual performance report is from the start of the current budget period through 30 days before the due date of the report.
FORMAT:You must submit the ED 524B Cover Sheet, Executive Summary, and Project Status Chart. Instructions are found here. Use coversheet ED524B is found here. The annual performance report should demonstrate whether substantial progress has been made toward meeting the project objectives and the program performance measures. Provide a one to two-page Executive Summary for annual performance reports. Provide highlights of the project's goals, the extent to which the expected outcomes and performance measures were achieved, and what contributions the project has made to research, knowledge, practice, and/or policy. Include the population served, if appropriate. Follow the instructions pages 5-10 for the project status chart
HOW TO SUBMIT: If you are submitting a paper copy of the ED 524B, please submit one original and one copy. Many programs provide grantees with the option of completing and submitting the ED 524B online through e-Reports. Please follow instructions from your program office regarding how to submit the reports and the use of e-Reports for submitting your ED 524B.
DUE:Final performance reports are due 90 days after the expiration of the grant’s project period (performance period).
FORMAT: You must submit the ED 524B Cover Sheet, Executive Summary, and Project Status Chart. Instructions are found here. Use coversheet ED524B is found here.
Complete data on performance measures for the final budget period must be submitted with the final performance report. Provide a two to three-page Executive Summary for final performance reports. Provide highlights of the project's goals, the extent to which the expected outcomes and performance measures were achieved, and what contributions the project has made to research, knowledge, practice, and/or policy. Include the population served, if appropriate. The Executive Summary for final performance reports covers the entire project period. In Section A of the Project Status Chart, you will report on the results to date of your project evaluation as required under EDGAR, 34 CFR 75.590. Utilizing your evaluation results, draw conclusions about the success of the project and its impact. Describe any unanticipated outcomes or benefits from your project and any barriers that you may have encountered. Follow the instructions pages 5-10 for the project status chart
HOW TO SUBMIT: If you are submitting a paper copy of the ED 524B, please submit one original and one copy. Many programs provide grantees with the option of completing and submitting the ED 524B online through e-Reports. Please follow instructions from your program office regarding the use of e-Reports for submitting your ED 524B.
DUE: The reporting requirements are identified on the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist and Instructions, DOE F 4600.2, attached to the award.
FORMAT: Use form found here,
HOW TO SUBMIT: E-link at
DUE: The reporting requirements are identified on the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist and Instructions, DOE F 4600.2, attached to the award.
FORMAT: Use form found here,
HOW TO SUBMIT: E-link at
- All required fields in Part I must be completed before you are able upload
- Part II of the AN 241.3 is where the final technical report is uploaded.
- Please make sure your document does not contain personally identifiable information
- After all required fields have been entered select "submit.
- An email confirming submission will be sent to the contracting officer/contract specialist and OSTI.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
Department of Health and Services (DHHS)
1. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
DUE:Progress reports due in FY15 and beyond are due 3 months before the anniversary of the award.
FORMAT:One should use the eRA Commons RPPR module Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) - detailed instructions with screen shots
HOW TO SUBMIT: All AHRQ grantees, except recipients of multi-year funded (MYF) awards are strongly encouraged to use the RPPR. Effective January 1, 2015, AHRQ will require all grantees, exclusive of MYF awards, to use the RPPR and will no longer accept paper PHS 2590 annual progress reports. Recipients of MYF awards should continue to submit paper PHS 2590 progress reports in accord with the terms of the award, until instructed otherwise. Select the Submit button from the RPPR Menu screen. Then Select the I Agree button to sign off on the certification. If Warnings Exist, to address issues associated with warnings, select the Cancel button, correct the issue, and resubmit the RPPR again. To continue with submission despite the warnings, select the OK button.
DUE: Submitted to AHRQ's Grants Management within 90 days of the project end date of a grant.
FORMAT: The Final Progress Report is subject to a 20-page limit (minimum of 4 pages). Reports exceeding 20 pages will not be accepted. The report format should follow the AHRQ Grant Final Report Template at:
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit the Final Progress Report as an electronic file attachment via Email to: The only acceptable format is Word®. PDF files are not acceptable for the Final Progress Report. Information found here
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
2. Agency for Community Living (ACL)
DUE: Semi-Annual Progress Reports.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Reports sent by e-mail should be sent to this e-mail address: and the grantee’s Program Officer copied.
DUE: The Final Report takes the place of the Semi-Annual Report at the end of the final year of the grant.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Reports sent by e-mail should be sent to this e-mail address: and the grantee’s Program Officer copied.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
3. National Institute of Health (NIH)
DUE: If an award is issued under the SNAP (Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process) provisions, the progress report is due the 15 th of the month preceding the month in which the budget period ends. If an award is not issued under the SNAP provisions, the progress report is due the first of the month preceding the month in which the budget period ends. Progress Reports for MYF awards are due annually on or before the anniversary of the budget/project period start date of the award. The reporting period for a MYF progress report is the calendar year preceding the anniversary date of the award.
HOW TO SUBMIT: All progress reports must be submitted using the RPPR. The RPPR is a federal-wide progress report that replaced eSNAP; it allows extramural grantee institutions to submit an electronic version of the Progress Report to the NIH via a web interface. The RPPR will eventually replace the use of the PHS 2590 for non-SNAP awards. - detailed instructions with screen shots.
DUE: All applicable closeout reports are due no later than 120 days after the project end date. Failure to submit timely and accurate final reports may affect future funding to the organization and/or awards with the same Project Director/Principal Investigator.
FORMAT: Instructions found here:
HOW TO SUBMIT: Detailed instructions with screen shots found here:
Last Updated: February 07, 2017
4. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
DUE: All SAMHSA awards require quarterly, semi-annual, or 12-month progress reports.
FORMAT: SAMHSA will provide you with guidelines and requirements at the time of award and at the initial grantee orientation meeting after the award.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Recipients should include the official grant number on all submissions in the subject line of the email. All progress reports, as required in the NoA, should be sent to with a copy to your Grant Program Officer.
DUE: SAMHSA will provide you with guidelines and requirements at the time of award and at the initial grantee orientation meeting after the award.
FORMAT: The final progress report (FPR) should be prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions of the initial Notice of Award (NoA) and/or based on instructions provided by the SAMHSA Program Official listed at the bottom of your latest NoA under Contacts. It should cover the entire project period and include, at a minimum, an overview of the goals and objectives accomplished during the funding period identified in the grant application. If assistance is required to complete the FPR, please contact the Program Official.
HOW TO SUBMIT: All the required final reports must be submitted by email to grant.closeout@
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
DUE: An interim performance report is due 90 days prior to the expiration date of the Budget Period.
FORMAT: The subject line of the email should include the phrase, "ARI Interim Performance Report", your University name and your ARI grant number. Please adhere to the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) format provided at:
HOW TO SUBMIT: The report must be submitted via email to The subject line of the email should include the phrase, "ARI Interim Performance Report", your University name and your ARI grant number. Please adhere to the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) format provided at:
DUE: Recipient shall submit the Final Performance Report to the DHS Grants Officer no later than 90 days after the expiration of the Project Period
FORMAT: Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) format
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit via email to and to Grants Officer. Include the grant program name in the subject line.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
2. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
DUE: Frequency of performance report submission will depend on the program guidance.
FORMAT: Please see individual award.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Reports should be submitted using the DHS Integrated Security and Access Control System at Instructions are found here
DUE: The Recipient shall submit the Final Performance Report no later than 90 days after the expiration of the Project Period.
FORMAT: Please see individual award
HOW TO SUBMIT: Reports should be submitted using the DHS Integrated Security and Access Control System at Instructions are found here
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
1. Department of Housing and Urban Development General Grants
DUE: Quarterly reports are due 30 days after the completion of each calendar quarter, being due January 30, April 30, July 30 and October 30.
FORMAT: The progress reports shall consist of a narrative report which depicts actual progress against planned progress. The narrative report shall : (1) provide a brief, factual summary description of technical progress made and cost incurred for each task (or group of tasks) during the reporting period; (2) identify significant problems and their impacts, causes, proposed corrective actions and the effect that such corrective actions will have on the accomplishment of the grant objectives; (3) the schedule status of the degree of completion of tasks/activities by time intervals; and (4) cost status of the actual cost vs budget for each task of work performed in accomplishing the task/actives. In addition to the required narrative, your quarterly progress report must include Federal Financial Report (SF-425).
HOW TO SUBMIT: Progress reports shall be submitted to the Grants Officer and the GTR thirty (30) days after completion of each calendar quarter of the project.
DUE: Annual reports due based on Grantee’s fiscal year.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Progress reports shall be submitted to the Grants Officer and the GTR thirty (30) days after completion of each calendar quarter of the project.
DUE: The final progress report is due 90 days after the end of the performance period.
FORMAT: : page 22. The final report shall summarize the applicant’s plans, execution of the plans, achievements noted, and lessons learned. The Report need not be lengthy, but should be of a quality and detail to provide freestanding, description to any outside reader of all of the applicant’s work and achievements under the grant.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Final reports shall be submitted to the GTR.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
1. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
DUE: The Service may require annual, semi-annual, or quarterly performance and financial reports. Recipients are required to submit reports at least annually. Your reporting frequency and due dates is indicated in your official Award document (See Schedule, Column B) and the Notice of Award letter.
FORMAT: Guidelines found here on page 3
HOW TO SUBMIT: Reports and products must be submitted electronically to the appropriate program mailbox as outlined in your Notice of Award letter.
DUE: Final performance and financial reports including all deliverables and products listed in your Award's scope of work, and photographic documentation of project activities are due no later than 90 calendar days after the project end date as indicated in your Award documents and Notice of Award letter.
FORMAT: : Guidelines found here on page 3
HOW TO SUBMIT: Reports and products must be submitted electronically to the appropriate program mailbox as outlined in your Notice of Award letter.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
2. United States Geological Survey (USGS)
DUE: The Annual Program Report is to be filed on the Internet at within 90 days after the completion date. For Agreements with a total anticipated performance period of twelve months (12) months or less, only a Final Technical Report will be required.
FORMAT: The progress reports shall include the following information:
- A comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives of the Agreement established for the budget period and overall progress in response to the performance metrics.
- The reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate.
- Additional pertinent information including, when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs.
- An outline of anticipated activities and adjustments to the program during the next budget period.
Between the required reporting dates, events may occur which have significant impact upon the project or program. In such cases, the Recipient shall inform the USGS as soon as the following types of conditions become known:
- Problems, delays, or adverse conditions which will materially impair the ability to meet the objective of the Agreement. This disclosure must include a statement of the action taken, or contemplated, and any assistance needed to resolve the situation.
- Favorable developments which enable meeting time schedules and objectives sooner or at less cost than anticipated or producing more or different beneficial results than originally planned.
HOW TO SUBMIT: The Annual Program Report is to be filed on the Internet at within 90 days after the completion date. - See Annual Application.
DUE: The final performance report will be due 90 calendar days after the period of performance end date.
FORMAT: : The report shall include a quantitative description of activities and overall progress in response to the performance metrics which documents and summarizes the results of the entire Agreement. The final report shall include tables, graphs, diagrams, sketches, etc., as required to explain the results achieved under the Agreement. The report shall also include recommendations and conclusions based upon both the experience and the results obtained.
HOW TO SUBMIT: The Recipient shall submit two copies of the final technical report to the USGS Project Officer and one copy of the transmittal letter to the USGS Contracting Officer.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
1. National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
DUE: Quarterly, Semi-Annually, or Annually
FORMAT: – Go to the middle of the page to the “Help managing your award” section. Click on “progress reports”. Watch video
HOW TO SUBMIT: – Go to the middle of the page to the “Help managing your award” section. Click on “progress reports”. Watch video
DUE: The Final Summary Overview should be submitted 90 days before the project’s end date.
The Final Technical Report is cumulative (covers the entire award period, including supplements) and describes project activities in sufficient detail to permit replication of the research method and design, including a review of relevant literature, methods including detailed description of data collection and analysis procedures, modifications to or problems with the original research design, findings, and conclusions. In most cases, the Final Technical Report will undergo external peer-review, and, when finalized, will be made available on the NCJRS Web site.
Starting with grants awarded in 2014, grantees will no longer be required to submit a Final Technical Report. Rather, they are expected to generate scholarly products, such as peer reviewed journal articles, law review articles, patents and prototypes, as appropriate. In addition, grantees are required to submit a Final Summary Overview. The Overview will summarize the research project and include sections that state the purpose, project subjects (if applicable), project design and methods, data analysis, findings, and implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States. The Final Summary Overview should not exceed 10 double-spaced pages.
If you are unsure which deliverable requirements apply to your award, please contact your grant manager.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
2. Department of Justice (General)
DUE: Recipients of OJP awards are required to submit progress reports throughout the period of performance. In most cases, award conditions require recipients to submit semiannual progress reports no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting periods, which end on June 30 and December 31 during the life of the award.
FORMAT: Presentation with instructions on how to use the Grant Management System found here, Go to Progress Reports Tab. Watch video.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Presentation with instructions found here,
DUE: All discretionary/categorical and block/formula award recipients have 90 days after the end date of the award to close out the award. However, recipients should start the closeout process as soon as the program is completed and all monies have been spent.
FORMAT: Presentation with instructions found here on how to use the Grant Management System, This final report is to document all relevant project activities during the entire period of the award.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit using the Office of Justice Grants Management System. Presentation with instructions found here on how to use the Grant Management System, Submit to
Last Updated: July 31, 2017
1. Department of State(General)
DUE: Please see individual award.
FORMAT: A performance progress report compares actual to planned performance and indicates the progress made in accomplishing each assistance award task. This report should include relevant details for assessing the status of the progress made. The progress report should indicate any specific tasks which are not progressing according to plan; the reasons for the difficulty; specific recommendations for remedial action; and the resources which will be required. A Performance Progress Report (PPR) coversheet is required for all recipient performance narrative reports submitted to the Department.
( Sheet.pdf).
HOW TO SUBMIT: Upload report to the grant file in GrantSolutions.
DUE: The final narrative report must be submitted within 90 days of the end date of the agreement.
The final narrative report must be submitted within 90 days of the end date of this agreement. The report must include Page 1 of the SF-PPR form, marked Final and a narrative progress report which includes an in-depth impact assessment and/or project evaluation. The Project’s summary should include quantitative and qualitative data relating to the objectives and overall outputs and outcomes, e.g., impact. A Performance Progress Report (PPR) coversheet is required for all recipient performance narrative reports submitted to the Department.
( Sheet.pdf).
HOW TO SUBMIT: Reports must be submitted to the Grants or Principal Officer.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
Department of Transportation (DOT)
1. University Transportation Center
DUE: See page 6, section 7. The first report shall cover the first six months and be submitted no later than 15 days after the end of the six months. Subsequent reports shall cover activities for periods ending June 30 and December 31 of each year and shall be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period until all grant funds have been fully expended.
FORMAT: See Exhibit B page 11. PPPR format
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit electronically to the Grant Administrator.
DUE: Within two months after the completion of the project, submit report. See page 6, section 7. The first report shall cover the first six months and be submitted no later than 15 days after the end of the six months. Subsequent reports shall cover activities for periods ending June 30 and December 31 of each year and shall be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period until all grant funds have been fully expended.
FORMAT: See Exhibit B page 11. PPPR format
HOW TO SUBMIT: See page 5,
b. Notify the Transportation Research Board (TRB)-
c. Transmit each report electronically to the National Transportation Library at E‐mails to this address may include URLs or attached PDF documents.
d. Provide to the USDOT Research Hub the exact title of the project and the URL for the final report via the e-mail.
e. Also distribute each report in the format noted to the following addresses:
- Transportation Library
Northwestern University
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208‐2300
(Submit on CD) -
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
U.S. Department of Transportation
(Send URL via e-mail) -
FHWA Research Library
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
(Send URL) -
U.S. Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service
(Send URL or PDF via e-mail)
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
2. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
DUE: Please see individual award.
FORMAT:; go to the bottom of the page and click on the link for Content for the form.
HOW TO SUBMIT: It should be submitted to the cognizant technical monitor in the FAA award letter. no later than the end of the month following the month in which the obligation was made. (For example, if the obligation was made on November 7, 2015, the obligation must be reported by no later than December 31, 2015.)
DUE: This report is due within 90 days after the expiration of the award.
FORMAT:; go to the bottom of the page and click on the link for Content for the form.
HOW TO SUBMIT: It should be submitted to the cognizant technical monitor in the FAA award letter.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
Independent Agencies, Government-Owned Corporations, and Volunteerism Agencies
1. Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)
DUE: Progress reports covering the period from the start of the award though March 31st are due on April 30th. Progress reports covering the period from the start of the award year thought the end of the award year or September 30th, whichever is sooner are due on October 31st.
FORMAT: Follow format in eGrants system-
HOW TO SUBMIT: The recipient shall complete and submit progress reports in eGrants, to report on progress toward achievement of its approved performance targets.
DUE: A recipient must submit, in addition to the last semi-annual project report, a final project report. This final report is due no later than 90 days after the end of the project period.
FORMAT: Follow format in eGrants system-
HOW TO SUBMIT: The recipient shall complete and submit progress reports in eGrants,
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
1. Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)
DUE: The annual technical reports are due 90 days after completion of the period covered by the report.
FORMAT: Annual Reports are required for efforts of more than one year. This report will provide concise and factual discussion of the significant accomplishments and progress during the year covered by the report. Each of the topics described below shall be addressed for the effort being performed:
- A comparison of actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives established for the period, the findings of the investigator, or both
- Reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate
- Other pertinent information including, when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns.
In addition, for Research Awards, each of the following topics shall be addressed as appropriate to the research effort being performed: - A cumulative chronological list of written publications in technical journals. Include those in press as well as manuscripts in preparation and planned for later submission. Indicate likely journals, authors, and titles.
- A list of professional personnel associated with the research effort. List any advanced degrees awarded, including dates, recipient, type of degree, and thesis title.
- Interactions (Related Activities):
Papers presented at meetings, conferences, seminars, etc.
Consultative and advisory functions to other laboratories and agencies on research supported under the agreement. Provided factual information about the subject matter, institutions, dates, and the names of individuals involved. - New discoveries, inventions, or patent disclosures and specific applications stemming from the research effort.
HOW TO SUBMIT: The Recipient shall submit final reports in the original and two copies to the Agency’s Program Officer. The Recipient shall provide a copy of the transmittal letter to the Grants Officer.
DUE: This final report is due no later than 90 days after the completion of the period covered by the report.
FORMAT: This report will provide a comprehensive, cumulative, and substantive summary of the progress and significant accomplishments achieved during the total period of the effort covered by the agreement. Each of the topics described shall be addressed as appropriate for the effort performed. Publications may be bound and attached as appendices.
When the results of a research effort have not previously been reported in scientific or technical publications, the Final Technical Report must provide sufficient detailed discussions of findings and accomplishments obtained in pursuit of the planned research objectives.
Reports include a cover and title page. Standard Form (SF) 298, Report Documentation Page, shall be used. Item 13 of the form should contain a 100 to 200-word abstract summarizing technical progress during the reporting period. Style should be third person singular using past tense. Jargon, special symbols or notations, subscripts, mathematical symbols or foreign alphabet letters are not permitted. All pages should be of good quality for copying purposes.
HOW TO SUBMIT: The Recipient shall submit final reports in the original and two copies to the Agency’s Program Officer. The Recipient shall provide a copy of the transmittal letter to the Grants Officer.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA)
DUE: Annually, 60 days prior to the anniversary date of the grant agreement, (except final year).
FORMAT: Electronic progress reports should be submitted as PDF files. Per 2 CFR 1800.902 reports shall be in the English language, informal in nature, and ordinarily not exceed three pages (not counting bibliographies, abstracts, and lists of other media) and that "Progress Reports, Summaries of Research, and Educational Activity Reports shall include the following on the first page:
- Title of the grant.
- Type of report
- Name of the principal investigator
- Period covered by the report.
- Name and address of the recipient's institution.
- Grant number.
According to the new cross agency Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) format annual progress reports should contain the following three parts: - Accomplishments: Start by reminding us what are the major goals and objectives of the project and what did you achieve towards those goals? At first the emphasis will be on reporting activities but as the project progresses you will be reporting specific accomplishments. For example, describe major activities; significant results, major findings, developments, or conclusions (both positive and negative); and key outcomes or other achievements. Include a discussion of stated goals not met.
- How have the results been disseminated: For example, a list of publications that have appeared as a result of the award. Of course all publications should acknowledge NASA support, including the name of the program, and the grant number(s).
- Future plans: if this is not your final report, what are you planning to do next? Is it different than what was in the original proposal? That's OK, but please explain a bit.
HOW TO SUBMIT: In all cases, include Grant number in the Subject line submit to 4 places, NTO-New Technology Office - email in award, GO-Grants Officer-email in the TO-Technical Officer - email in award.
DUE: Closeout will begin within 90 days after the expiration date of the grant. NASA’s goal for closeout to be completed is within 180 days after the expiration of the grant.
FORMAT: Electronic progress reports should be submitted as PDF files. Per 2 CFR 1800.902 reports shall be in the English language, informal in nature, and ordinarily not exceed three pages (not counting bibliographies, abstracts, and lists of other media) and that "Progress Reports, Summaries of Research, and Educational Activity Reports shall include the following on the first page:
- Title of the grant.
- Type of report
- Name of the principal investigator
- Period covered by the report.
- Name and address of the recipient's institution.
- Grant number.
According to the new cross agency Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) format annual progress reports should contain the following three parts: - Accomplishments: Start by reminding us what are the major goals and objectives of the project and what did you achieve towards those goals? At first the emphasis will be on reporting activities but as the project progresses you will be reporting specific accomplishments. For example, describe major activities; significant results, major findings, developments, or conclusions (both positive and negative); and key outcomes or other achievements. Include a discussion of stated goals not met.
- How have the results been disseminated: For example, a list of publications that have appeared as a result of the award. Of course all publications should acknowledge NASA support, including the name of the program, and the grant number(s).
- Future plans: if this is not your final report, what are you planning to do next? Is it different than what was in the original proposal? That's OK, but please explain a bit.
HOW TO SUBMIT: In all cases, include Grant number in the Subject line submit to 4 places, NTO-New Technology Office - email in award, GO-Grants Officer-email in the TO-Technical Officer - email in award.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
2. National Science Foundation(NSF)
DUE: For multi-year standard grants, PIs are required to submit an annual report at the end of each 12-month period. In the case of cooperative agreements, the annual report is required before NSF approves any future funding increments.
Continuing grants also require annual reports at the end of each 12-month period. For continuing grants that have a duration of 18 months or more per increment, two annual reports are required. A report must be submitted for the first 12 months of the project, and then another report for the remaining months of the increment. Continuing grants with 24 months of duration in year one will in turn require an annual report at the end of each 12-month period.
FORMAT: Sample project report format: Go RPPR Format for Interim Project Reporting towards the bottom of the page. Click on RPPR Format as approved by OMB/OSTP.
Within 90 days following expiration of the grant, a final project report must be submitted.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
3. Nuclear Regulatory Comission(NRC)
DUE: Performance Reports are due on the following schedule:
Reports are due by October 31st for the period April 1st to September 30th
Reports are due by April 30th for the period October 1st to March 31st
The NRC requires the use of SF-PPR, SF-PPR-B, and SF-PPR-E for performance reporting. The links to those forms follow: Link for the SF-PPR
Link for the SF-PPR-B, Program Indicators
Link for the SF-PPR-E, Activity Based Expenditures
HOW TO SUBMIT: Reports should be submitted to , RESGrants.Resource@NRC.go , the Technical Officer, and the Grants Officer.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
1. United States Agency for International Development(USAID)
DUE: January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30
FORMAT: No Fixed format but USAID may provide a template. Document how the project is progressing and compare actual results with the targets in the work plan.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit report to Agreement Officer Technical Representative (AOTR) or as directed by your award.
DUE: Within 90 days after the end of your award, you must submit a Final Performance Report
FORMAT: Your AOTR may give you a specific outline or template to follow. At a minimum, your final performance report will include final outcomes, lessons learned, and conclusions.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Be sure to submit the report to your AOTR and the Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) ( within 90 days of the end of the award. Last Updated: October 10, 2016
1. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)
DUE: Reports are due 30 days after the reporting period which is semi-annual.
FORMAT: Brief information on each of the following areas: 1. comparison of actual accomplishments with the anticipated outputs/outcomes specified in the assistance agreement work plan; 2. Reasons why anticipated outputs/outcomes were not met; and 3. other pertinent information, including when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs
HOW TO SUBMIT: Some progress reports are submitted via EPA's reporting site, the Central Data Exchange (CDX), others are submitted directly to the Project Officer via email.
DUE: Final performance reports are due 90 days after the end of the budget period.
FORMAT: Brief information on each of the following areas: 1. comparison of actual accomplishments with the anticipated outputs/outcomes specified in the assistance agreement work plan; 2. Reasons why anticipated outputs/outcomes were not met; and 3. other pertinent information, including when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs. In accordance with 40 C.F.R 30.51 (f), the recipient agrees that it will notify EPA of problems, delays or adverse conditions which materially impair the ability to meet the outputs/outcomes specified in the assistance agreement work plan.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Some progress reports are submitted via EPA's reporting site, the Central Data Exchange (CDX), others are submitted directly to the Project Officer via email.
DUE: Submit annually. Due by October 30th of each year.
FORMAT: Form found here,
HOW TO SUBMIT: reports should be signed and emailed to
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
1. Small Business Administration (SBA)
DUE: The frequency of required reporting is stated in the solicitation and award documents. Interim PPRs are due not later than 45 days after the end of each reporting period.
FORMAT: Attach a narrative statement to SF PPR that details
- All project accomplishments for the reporting period, including a comparison between actual accomplishments and those predicted in the project milestones and timeline presented in the technical proposal. Where there was failure to achieve the predicted accomplishments, explain the reason(s) for that shortfall and describe how you will bring project performance back into alignment with the milestones and timeline.
- Any lessons learned, best practices identified, notable success stories, and problems encountered and steps taken to address those problems.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Provide an electronic version of the Annual Performance Report to the SBA Project Officer and Program Manager in Word format.
DUE: Submit no later than 45 days after the end of each reporting period.
FORMAT: Attach a narrative statement to SF PPR that details
- All project accomplishments for the reporting period, including a comparison between actual accomplishments and those predicted in the project milestones and timeline presented in the technical proposal. Where there was failure to achieve the predicted accomplishments, explain the reason(s) for that shortfall and describe how you will bring project performance back into alignment with the milestones and timeline.
- Any lessons learned, best practices identified, notable success stories, and problems encountered and steps taken to address those problems.
- Include:
- A summary of the activities funded by the grant
- The number of small business concerns assisted under the project
- Any additional information deemed necessary by the Administrator; and
- Expected outcomes achieved
HOW TO SUBMIT: Provide an electronic version of the Performance Report to the SBA Project Officer and Program Manager.
Last Updated: October 10, 2016
DISCLAIMER: The Office of Research Administration assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of this information nor any consequences which may result from its use. Please report any errors which are discovered upon submission of the required technical reports to Cheryl Jones, Compliance Coordinator, at